Dren Gerguri, Lecturer at the Department of Journalism of University of Prishtina “Ha-san Prishtina”, Kosovo, talked about "Fake News 2.0: From deepfakes to cheapfakes".
Dr. Eylem Yanardagoglu, Associate Professor, Head of the New Media Department, Kadir Has University, Istanbul talked about "Convergence in Journalism and Media in Turkey".
Professor Dr. Christoph Schmidt, Head of the Academic Department at Deutsche Welle Akademie talked about "The influence of new technologies on journalistic practices and strategies of media companies".
Professor Dr. Christoph Schmidt, Head of the Academic Department at Deutsche Welle Akademie talked about Media Systems and Press Freedom.
“Fake news hunters presentation” by Dr. Nikos S. Panagiotou, Diana Filimon, Ciprian Cucu.
Mattia Peretti, Journalism AI Manager at Polis, Department of Media and Communications, London School of Economics and Political Science talked about "Artificial Intelligence" on the 5th THISAM.